Detachment doesn’t mean not caring
Non Attachment
Purposefully detaching to love yourself first
Attachment is something I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. My want to be loved fully and dedication to relationships have wasn’t me the badge of one who ‘loves hard.’
I now vow to love lightly in favour of loving myself hard. Loving others with all I have has left me depleted, empty and like a cup that can never be filled.
I shall now give that focus, attention and energy to myself…and I’m really enjoying doing it already! 😊😊😊
The only exception will be my girls who I love without measure and who bring me nothing but joy
I have been practising non attachment this week, detangling myself from situations or relationships that are fear based and rely on attachment. I have learnt that forcing anything brings nothing but insecurity and I feel able to step away as I now love myself enough to only feed my soul positivity.
This does not mean ending relationships or walking away from situations as this is sometimes not possible or what we want. However it is good to take stock of long-standing parts of our life to decide how much energy you place here and if this brings you joy. If someone loves you, they won’t want their relationship with you to be in any way negative and although it may be a little uncomfortable they will understand a shift in your energies in time. If not, then possibly consider and absorb that a controlling or selfish person deserves much less of your energies as they will continue to take and never fill you back up with good vibes, love or efforts. You do not deserve this - you are a worthwhile human who should be experiencing as much fun, high vibes and love as you give!
Many believe everything is temporary and therefore allowing things to flow and accepting the beauty of what is in the present moment is the key to happiness.
I am learning the power of connection and walking away from attachment. Connection brings positivity into your life, enriches your experiences and broadens your understanding. Attachment is fear based, creates dependency and drains you. It is more about chasing love and a lack of self love. It allows feelings of doubt and worthlessness when things don’t work out as you want them to.
Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn’t about what others can give you because you are lacking, it is about what two people choose to give each other despite not needing anything from the other.